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CEO statement

We pride ourselves at Diaspora Community Services in being the communities we serve. We are Black and Brown, diverse ethnicities, gender and sexual orientation. We have had the experiences of being immigrants, speaking different languages, and being committed to our work. One experience we all have shared directly and indirectly is systemic racism. 


DCS works to provide access to quality healthcare because we know racial disparities exist. We encourage young people to complete their education because we know overwhelmingly the educational system has failed black students.  


Police brutality is not policing. Two weeks after George Floyd was murdered in Minnesota, there is no confusion there. Our criminal justice system MUST have a part in DISMANTLING STRUCTURAL RACISM as in this example.


Say their names: George Floyd, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland, Michael Brown…. This is not about hashtags and social media. These are people who were either a father, somebody's child, an aunt, uncle, sibling, cousin, neighbor, friend...a HUMAN BEING. 


In service, 

Carine Jocelyn, CEO


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